Overwatch 2 players are labelling the sequel's matchmaking "unfair" and "awful", as those in lower ranks say they're being paired up with opponents as high as top 500. If you lose these matches it will lower the matched skill of opponents until you’re around 50/50 win/loss ratio. “Quickplay matchmaking should not allow Top 500 players to be in games with silver players under any circumstances,” wrote Reddit user Ihmu on the Overwatch subreddit. It’s a. But as of recently I keep getting games that are either my team steamrolling the enemy team, or the enemy team. r/Overwatch • Overwatch 2 trailer | story missions, new support hero & more. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Overwatch; QP matchmaking and flex is god awful;. We have stickied a link to the post here . New Overwatch 2 players will instead need to win 50 Quick Play games before they can play ranked. jake-sf 4 years ago. If you continue to have issues with Overwatch 2, please report them on the Official Overwatch Bug Report Forums. i tend to get at least 2 people in the game that seem very new to it and struggle to keep up with othersOverwatch 2 Matchmaking is bad right now (season 3) and this is a highly discussed topic on Reddit. I have played every game in the last 20 years. I am in plat 4 right now, and while usually the people in my quick play games are plat or diamond, I am sometimes seeing masters/gm and even top 500 players in my quick play games. Level (the stars under the portrait) has nothing to do with it. Welcome to r/Overwatch! Please use the following resources via the links below to find relevant information about the game and the subreddit. And for perspective, I was a newcomer to OW2, (first time ever playing was in S1). In Quick Play, most people are not trying as hard, or are playing heroes that they are trying to practice with. Then when I play with my friends in QP who are Bronze-Gold the game will do some wonky shit like us as: Bronze, Gold, Gold, Gold, Plat vs an enemy team of: Masters, Diamond, Bronze, Bronze, Bronze. - r/Overwatch Mod Team. SwilhelmsHorror • 9 mo. If I'm in comp I'm the first to switch to hitscan for the Pharah but if it's qp I'm just here to mess around with Mei for a bit and have fun. The game creates a match of 2 teams with the same average MMR. . Finding matches in 30 seconds here. Yeah, I know the matchmaker likes to put groups vs groups. I'm not saying im absolute trash, but I'd guess im gold, MAYBE plat on a good day and I'm consistently fighting against people who have master titles, and I've seen a top500 once or twice. Why does matchmaking still take so long. I have 2 blocks of time I can game. Boards. If you want serviceable matchmaking, queue for competitive. Play as a time-jumping freedom fighter, a beat-dropping battlefield DJ, or one of over 30 other unique heroes as you battle it out around the globe. well it doesnt work. I play Quick-play because I want to chill, I don’t want to play too seriously but recently I am finding quick-play matches to be completely unbalanced. Full disclosure, I am a plat level player when I bother to play comp, I mostly play casually. But when your sample size is less than 50, edge. One thing in addition to the less strict MMR matchmaking requirements is that people in QP are also playing heroes they're worse at/not strictly playing to win at all costs. Within the past 3 weeks to a month, I've noticed the matchmaking in quickplay has been a bit wonky. Season 4 has been brutal for me. The new rank system in. Kung_Fu_Fighter 9 months ago #3. If your post is a bug report or issue with the game, please reference the stickied Megathread at the top of the. New players who create an Overwatch 2 account on or after October 4 will play through a guided First-Time User Experience (FTUE). Blizzard has posted an update to many of the issues surrounding the OW2 Launch on the Official Forums. If anyone is confused why the Overwatch 2 matchmaking is so bad, watch this entire video. It doesn't mean that the game looks at your win/loss in any way (they have confirmed. The game was released on October 4 and can be freely played on a majority of platforms such as the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation,. Jun 23, 2017. Overwatch 2 outages reported in the last 24 hours. 100%. an update to Overwatch’s matchmaking and queuing system that gives players the power to choose which role they play in their games. Welcome to r/Overwatch! Please use the following resources via the links below to find relevant information about the game and the subreddit. The overall. As a new player, it is expected for you to lose most games. Boards. Basically it'll fill the game with the first 10 people as far as I know. Overwatch 2 players must win 50 Quick Play matches before they can participate in competitive mode, unless the owned the original Overwatch. Mainly quick play. Might as well just play quickplay all the time. The ultimate goal is to reach the highest rank possible by winning as many. Matchmaking is abaolute garbage because fresh accounts are mixed with experienced ones so that smurfs and newbies wont play together. Bastion and Torbjörn will be taking a quick trip to the workshop while we iron out a few bugs in their ability kits! 🛠️ Bastion will be unavailable in all modes during this time, while Torbjörn will still be playable in Quick Play. After the game, the system will be much more aggressive in adjusting the level 2 player's matchmaking rating (MMR) based on their performance compared to the other veteran characters, so if it was a true mismatch you're unlikely to run into them again. Overwatch 2 Season 4 is changing how Competitive will work moving forward. Overwatch 2 is finally out on PC, PlayStation 4 and PS5, Xbox One and Series X/S and even Nintendo Switch. The algorithm keeps matching people on very unbalanced teams. It's not random at all. 186. The Overwatch 2 matchmaking system has been slammed lately by fans who express their disappointment towards a problem that dates back since its first release. I’ve played probably 150 matches in OW2 now and maybe 5 have been even remotely competitive/close. The mmr range for qp matchmaking is wider to start and it only gets worse the longer youre in queue as it. . Today I lost like 10 out of 12 games. Answer (1 of 3): Smurfs, mostly, especially in lower ELOs. What a f***ing joke. Developers are now focusing more on skill-based matchmaking for a more balanced play. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Blizzard’s popular hero. Really short Queue times, really bad Matchmaking. Matchmaking is incredibly dynamic. ago. Go to the Gameplay Tab. People get to each MMR in their own unique way with their own strengths and weaknesses. General Discussion. After playing competitive at a semi high level, quick play is just total madness. I have 20+ gold guns and I’m plat. The largest community-run Overwatch 2 Discord server. We simulate our changes extensively before pushing them live, but we still can’t always anticipate some of the knock-on effects of the larger changes we make. Account level has never been a factor. But blizzard did promise to work on it. But recently I have noticed that I am getting match with people way above my level (several hundreds) and they dominate our team. ago. Quick Play Matchmaking in S4 is infuriating. You should only be allowed to play comp after gaining enough experience playing the game otherwise you'll have people queuing for comp without knowing how to play their role. That's at least according to fans trying to get into quick-play games, only to find that they barely have enough. Fuck yes. what in gods name has happened to quickplay. quickplay matchmaking. Multiple times i get in matches where my entire team is under level 100, im level 345, and we are playing against a team where hte lowest level is 400. Nameless-14917 November 30, 2019, 9:08am #3. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Overwatch 2 crossplay lets you play across other platforms and pick up your progress in Blizzard's hero shooter regardless of where you play. Worked on the. Overwatch 2 has overhauled its matchmaking system for new players. But for real. You need to win 50 Quick Play games in Overwatch 2 or have previously owned Overwatch 1 to unlock and play both ranked modes. i. 50 wins is excessive for solo players especially when you get placed in quick play against teams you could be the best player and still find it hard to win a match playing solo. qps matchmaking is much looser than comps (although comp has had pretty messed up matchmaking in ow2). MTJellyBean-2161 October 19, 2022, 11:04pm #1. For part 2, we’re going to address some community concerns regarding the matchmaker from the. after try to relog i cant even log in to the game. Overwatch 2 competitive| Image provided by Activision Blizzard How to unlock Overwatch 2 competitive play and rank system. So I imagine Blizzard should try and figure out if the more precise matchups actually make a significant difference in match quality that’s worth the longer waits. Matchmaking is completely unbalanced. 1. Lets say perhaps you are a new player to overwatch and you decide to play some quick mode because you need 50!!! yes 50 games to be able to play ranked not only that but those 50 games. ago. with a somewhat level playing field. In an official blog post, Blizzard Entertainment addressed the matchmaking system in "Overwatch 2. It's definitely harder than quick play, but it feels much more rewarding to play well on competitive. NerfThis-11137 October 7, 2022, 4:29pm #10. A little setup for why I think this, I've just had a couple of matches in quickplay, and I ended up with a competitive skill rating up to 20 above my own, I am SR 41 (I know I suck at the game, but it's fun for me nonetheless). Me and a friend played 12 games tonight. Your visible rank will only be updated. 2k), and in those matches the matchmaking seems normal. A development blog written by the Overwatch 2 dev team is shedding some light on recent improvements to the game’s MMR and matchmaking. Overwatch 2 is a lot to learn! It’s a fast, team-based hero-shooter where players juggle the gameplay of a traditional FPS, the unique abilities of a diverse hero roster, and many different types of game. It's important to note this is just for the original game's heroes – new heroes will be unlocked through Overwatch 2's battle pass system. According to fans, players as high as Top 500 are being placed in Gold tier ranked matches, as the. I only had 2 games when the whole enemy team left and was replace by higher rank players because we steamroll them hard in the first match, the. As such, tank and DPS players are having a longer time queueing up for matches, likely due to the number. Winning 35% of games is actually pretty good for a new player. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. 4 comments. 487. How does quickplay matchmaking feel for you guys this patch? Personally it feels so much worse. That being said, the longer it takes while searching for a match, the looser and looser the matchmaking becomes as it is trying to prevent you from waiting too long. Watch them swap, then you swap again to their hardcounter. Thanks. . How does Quick Play matchmaking work? I haven’t played competitive since a while before Overwatch 1 ended like 2 years ago, at which point I ended at ~2900 sr, and I peaked in low masters on PC. Since Overwatch 2 came out, I’ve played quick play regularly and up until the. so why in every single qp game im getting placed against top 500 or master players every game is a sweat fest and is actually unplayable. 7. It doesn't. It provides a list of frequently reported bugs, as well as links to Blizzard "Status Updates". If every game was ~10 minutes long, you would have to play between 3. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. But what it really means to say is "Jump into a game against other players of ANY skill level". I returned to the game recently to just fuck around in QP and most of the people I play with are Masters-T500. Quick Play MMR and Competitive MMR are separate from each other. Skill-based matchmaking has sparked controversy among various communities online, but this mechanic isn't hurting your game as much as you think. This comes after Overwatch 2 shook up how ranks are changed in competitive play, seemingly damaging the game's ability to match players up with others of similar skill. It’s really really bad. They argue that implementing these mechanics would improve the overall quality of matches in QP, which is often plagued by unbalanced teams and frequent leavers. The matchmaking in Overwatch 2 is just down right horrible and I'm a new player. it's based on your MMR. which decides which players they go up against in both Quick Play and Competitive, but it doesn’t. And I'm at 25 just playing normally. I’ll like randomly lose 500 rating, and then randomly gain 500 rating without any changes to my skill because it’s like Blizzard has some weird win-rate formula but rather than spreading it out. The matchmaker tries to make balanced matches, but when it comes down to fair matches or faster queue times, it goes with faster times and shovels everyone together. At time of writing, support seems to have the lowest queue times, assuming the estimated. The game rewards high aggression, but there's a huge issue with that. On the final day of Overwatch 1 before the launch of Overwatch 2, we tackle the real problems. me too, finding games takes more than 3 mnts. Remember you can only link one of each! Log in to Overwatch. m. matchmaking has always been bad but after this patch I have only been put with enemys that are a WAY higher skill level all the games I have played…If you guys aren’t aware of it, when someone leaves a quickplay game, the replacement player will often be slightly higher MMR/SR than the player that left and thus the game becomes harder. So like if comp wanted a skill gap of 50 quickplay might be okay with 150. Longish Queue times by FPS standards, okay Matchmaking Quality. Go to Options. 2. After play has started, leaving games before you see the Victory or Defeat screen will count towards leaver status, which results in a 75% penalty to all XP gains. VideoboysaysCube 6 years ago #4. Overwatch 2 will not have portrait levels, and match experience will go towards leveling up your Battle Pass. Overwatch always has skill-based matchmaking, but in modes other than competitive it can be pretty loose in who you get matched with. In a recent Twitter post, Overwatch 2 Game Director Aaron Keller informed the community about some matchmaking changes. Update 10/14/2022 12:20 p. Overwatch Skill Based Matchmaking. Yeah for new players they've made this. From when Overwatch 2 came out to about March it felt like Quick Play was a fairly decent matchmaking experience. Bit ridiculous. Long story short: Overwatch 2 is a free-to-play game that’s. Those days of equal team fights seem to have gone, leading many to even stop playing the game altogether. Competitive Play is a ranked version of Quick Play in which players are awarded with a rank for repeated. 1K. It just doesn't work that way. I think I stopped comp at like season 11 or thereabouts. The game director of Overwatch 2, Aaron Keller, has taken responsibility for the ‘bad’ matchmaking in the game and has shared the team’s plans to fix it. Hey there, I’m a support main and I don’t play DD that often (for a reason). The first-person shooter game is playable on PC as well as multiple consoles like PlayStation,. 123. I initially thought the battle pass grind would be unbearable but my friend is at 44 without buying levels or no-lifing it. Because at least you don't have to play with REAL PEOPLE who don't know that YOU CANNOT. Problem is it seems that game are so lopsided. Join. cant get matches under 10 min pc sg server on support. Fix the game. As the game embraces a new free-to-play model, you'll find new heroes, like Kiriko; a. For context, I'm just silver / gold / plat on the 3 roles and I haven't changed the time at which I play. It’s stricter in Competitive modes, but in every case it takes a couple of dozen matches at least to get to the right. Matchmaking would love to put 10 players with 2341 MMR in the same match but you don't always have that luxury, so it needs to mix numbers. If your post is a bug report or issue with the game, please reference the stickied Megathread at the top of the subreddit here. It’s a joke and as they would say in Remember the Titans, “Zero fun, sir!”. Games that are not enjoyable will lose people. Quickplay matchmaking system is a complete mess. I've been a little amiss as to how quickplay matchmaking works vs competitive, because I doubt it uses the same parameters.